"My introduction to Mrs. Courtney turned out to be an excellent solution with regards to AET obtaining their GSA schedule. She is a brilliant young woman that maintains a wealth of knowledge on how the government contracting offices work. She was instrumental in guiding me through the entire process. In addition, Mrs. Courtney is very well connected in the military installations and continues to prove to be a driving force in assisting me to get my foot in the door and create a marketing plan that will make my GSA schedule profitable and not just a number on the shelf. I firmly and confidently recommend Courtney Consulting Solutions to any business that is seeking to become a pre-approved vendor for the federal government. Working with Courtney Consulting Solutions will prove to be the most cost effective and efficient way to achieve this goal. The end result will be that your company will be on contract and a profitable marketing plan will be in place for your implementation."
Karen O. Allain, Marketing Director - Alternate Energy Technologies

Federal Government Business Plan Consulting


Strategic Business Plan

The government market should be approached differently than the commercial sector.  Going into this market blindly is like not understanding the battlefield conditions of war.  As often cited, ‘The one with the most intelligence wins’.  To be successful, investing resources into his endeavor up front will save much frustration long-term. 

Unlike others, we at CCS take this job extremely seriously.  We don’t produce a ‘plan’ that is a report based off macro government numbers.  CCS has seen plans from competitors and they often leave a client more confused then when they started.  The consultants try and dazzle clients with canned software analysis when in fact the ‘plan’ is not specific to what they do-often because the company failed to get to know their client. 

Federal Government Business PlanWe get to know your differentiators, your processes, your people and more.  From there we dive into competitor analysis and see how they are coded, what their messaging looks like, who is doing well, who are they selling to and under what contracting mechanism and more.  From there we look into agencies buying your product/service and narrow the focus to a handful that have a need for what you offer.  We break that agency 10 levels deep so you know exactly which department to approach and people within.  The next step is opportunity analysis in that we see what is upcoming and which you should bid on.  CCs will guide you through this process.  We outline the conditions, the market potential and reasons why they should choose you over others.  Who may be potential Prime partners and why?  How should you approach them?  What should your short and long term goals look like?  Understanding your space, the players within and what motivators the buyers have will give you a clear picture for moving forward.  It has been said, often, by clients that we produce the best sales and marketing plans they have seen in their careers.  We don’t just consult, we act with you.